so I think I finally know why gaijin hates the French so much see in France they have a delicacy now I know not everybody probably eats this but it's called escargot and if you don't know what escargot is it snails they cook and they eat snails and if
you don't know gaijin's mascot is a snail I think it makes sense regardless guys I'm not gonna spend too much time on this video I do not like this plane and I'm gonna make this very quick and I'm gonna show you exactly why now don't get me wrong
the plane is flying it has a respectable top speed but it suffers from the same thing that every other French aircraft suffers from any maneuver you make in a defensive situation or a defensive posture kills your acceleration if a mig wants to kill you in this plane it
will kill you there is absolutely nothing you can do you can take them vertical all you want you might be able to stall them out but you will never recover the speed if you do not kill them on the first pass and that will be the last bit
of footage that I show you it will be a very very high altitude stall fight because I know that this plane has power but for now I'll talk about the strengths of this plane it's acceleration as long as you're not moving is actually pretty good if you don't
if you don't tap any controls it's not too bad it will do supersonic in a dive the guns are the Ayden's you only get two of them so it's kind of a detriment but the guns work there will be times when somebody flies between the bullets and that
happens as long as you don't get too aggressive you're not too bad got another intern guard fairly easy kill now I got a MIG 17 in front of us I got an F 86 K above me not a big deal f 86 K I'm slightly faster than MIG
17s turning look at me dump a little bit of speed now this thing doesn't maneuver that well so when you get down sub 800 yeah 800 kilometres an hour this thing turns into a brick as long as you're above 900 it's respectable it's not that bad can I
get an F for Ripjaws right there so keep it in mind that it has horrible energy retention and in maneuvers like crap this thing actually requires quite a passive gameplay style and for that it's rather boring and you'll see like I said this this match wasn't bad I
had a little help from my team I just I don't enjoy it I I don't understand why the French can't get it I mean okay so the the best aircraft in the French tree right now at least jet wise is still the f-86 K it rolls good it
has good power has an afterburner it's so much better than this now honestly I would take the mysteri over this plane I'd feel a lot better with it because a Mystere to see it doesn't maneuver that bad it has fairly decent energy retention at least at lower speeds
this thing just turns into a complete brick I'm kind of surprised that we get this aircraft and not something like the Mirage or the Jaguar look at how much energy look how much speed I'm dumping trying to follow this make vertical and I have more power than that
make but power means nothing if you can't maintain your speed you can't maintain your energy thankfully he got pretty slow and I was able to dive out early if I had followed him vertical a little bit more dumped a little bit more speed he would have caught me
in a heartbeat and even right now he could catch me I'm guessing he's no he can't be stocked coz that's a premium plane but he can catch me maybe he's damaged thankfully he pulls off but it's yes I don't know I really don't know my other big complaint
I have right now is if you compare this thing to the j32 the Swedish jet I really like that thing but that thing is completely broken you can stall fight f5s I'm now real quick I'm just gonna poke out if you guys haven't checked out the nightly videos
I'm gonna be putting out another one on the j32 here in a little bit because I realized how broken that plane is but that aircraft is 909 o battle rank and this one is 9 3 that means that this thing gets up teared against mig-21s all sorts of
that can absolutely take a dump on this plane absolutely take a dump on this play and yet it's point 3br higher than a plane that is so much easier to fly so much more power I'm not exactly sure where gaijin's logics at this thing would probably be alright
as in I know I was really close but I'm gonna move on real quick I'm gonna show you exactly why I can't stay on this plane so in this clip I came down from altitude and I was turning a little bit look at my speed I've got an
f5 behind me he has an afterburner he's getting close to me very quickly because he can hit 1,100 kilometers an hour a lot faster than I can he air braked a little bit I got to 1,100 he dropped back a little bit but he is gonna catch me
again now look at this because he's behind me I can't just sit there he's gonna hit me he's gonna shoot me if I just stay there so I have to do subtle movements I'm trying to do as subtle as I can but guess what he is still catching
me nothing I can do so I figure okay I'm gonna have to dump a ton of speed here and see if I can reverse him so here it goes drop my throttle a little bit tap the air brake for a split second and go vertical I know I'm
gonna dump a ton of speed dodge is shot try and line it up and this plane is now a complete brick I couldn't follow that I can't maneuver and now I'm gonna try and dive out again and as long as I don't move I can accelerate but I'm
gonna get down to the deck and I ain't getting any of that speed back all he had a thousand maybe barely but that makes gonna be right behind me again cuz right about the time I hit a thousand kilometers an hour I hit a brick wall the acceleration
goes to and I'm still gonna have to maneuver a little bit cuz he can pop shot me from here so now I know I'm screwed so I see the other MIG coming behind me I thought well I'm gonna at least try to bait him maybe a swarm blame
but the MIG misses him and now I'm hosed there's literally nothing I can do yeah probably shouldn't touch the air break on that but there's literally nothing you could do whether you add the air break out or not now on the other hand you can still fight against
Sabres I don't recommend it against the mark 6cl but this is a CL 13 a it's actually the mark 4 but the mark 5 I've done it too as well this was just too beautiful of a clip not to share and so as long as I'm not touching
the controls too much I'm able to maintain pretty decent energy going up into the vertical this guy so I actually just took off and this guy chased me from the airfield from my own airfield and we completely stall him out my plane flips over now this this this
is this is disgusting right here this I don't know if this is a tail-heavy aircraft but that took forever to come back over but now he's a sitting duck and I have missiles I mean absolutely beautiful you can do this to sabers the MiGs MiG's are gonna dump
on you every time so I'm sorry guys I just I don't have anything good to say about this aircraft this is gonna be the final clip though I was the last one left I think there was four maybe five guys here that are chasing me and don't get
me wrong I I hate being this kind of person but I really wanted to give it a shot so we we went up really high we got really high in this fight now you see I have the power I can pull away but I just do not have
the energy retention to win this fight and this will be a prime example of why I can't stand this plane sorry guys I don't maybe someday maybe someday the French will get some love but it's not today I'll see you around guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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